Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (TCHoU) consists of four research divisions:
- Division of Antarctic Astronomy
- Division of Elementary Particles
- Division of Quark Nuclear Matters
- Division of Photon and Particle Detectors
The Center also has the Office for Integrated Research to promote and support interdsciplinary collaborations and researches among the four divisions and with external research activities including those at the Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), Tsukuba Research Center for Energy Materials Science (TREMS), Research Core for Mathematical Sciences (RCMS), etc.
Members and Associates
FY 2024
- Steering Committee
- Prof. Fumihiko Ukegawa (Director)
- Prof. Nario Kuno (Codirector, Chair of the Div. of Antarctic Astronomy)
- Asso. Prof. Yuji Takeuchi (Chair of the Div. of Elementary Particles)
- Prof. Shinichi Esumi (Chair of the Div. of Quark Nuclear Matters)
- Prof. Akira Ozawa (Chair of the Div. for Development of Photon and Particle Detectors)
- Prof. Yasugai Hatsugai (Dean, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. Tsukuba)
- Prof. Yasuo Arai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization: KEK)
- Prof. Masao Saitoh (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan: NAOJ)
- Prof. Takashi Nakatsukasa (Centrer for Computational Sciences, Univ. Tsukuba)
- Prof. Tetsuya Sakurai (Director, Center for Artificial Interigence Research, Univ. Tsukuba)
- Administration Committee
- Prof. Fumihiko Ukegawa (Director)
- Prof. Nario Kuno (Codirector, Chair of the Div. of Antarctic Astronomy)
- Asso. Prof. Yuji Takeuchi (Chair of the Div. of Elementary Particles)
- Prof. Shinichi Esumi (Chair of the Div. of Quark Nuclear Matters)
- Prof. Akira Ozawa (Chair of the Div. for Development of Photon and Particle Detectors)