Members and Associates
Current members and associates of the Center are as follows:
The angel
is a variation of "CiR" and represents the cooperation of two research cores and laboratories towards new frontiers of fundamental science and engeneering. (K. Kanaya)
Committee Members
FY 2017
- Steering Committee
- Prof. K. Kanaya (Director)
- Prof. T. Sakurai (Chair of the Office for Strategies of Research and Development of the Universiy of Tsukuba)
- Prof. F. Ukegawa (Coordinator of the Research Core for the History of the Universe)
- Prof. T. Nabeshima (Coordinator of the Research Core for Developing Energy and Environment-friendly Materials, Director of the Tsukuba Research Center for Interdsciplinary Materials Science)
- Prof. Y. Arai (KEK)
- Prof. K. Uosaki (NIMS)
- Prof. M. Ito (Provost of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Prof. M. Umemura (Director of the Center for Computational Sciences, Univ. Tsukuba)
- Office of Administration
- Prof. K. Kanaya (Director)
- Prof. F. Ukegawa (Coordinator of the Research Core for the History of the Universe, Chair of the Lab. for Development of Photon and Particle Detectors)
- Prof. T. Nabeshima (Coordinator of the Research Core for Developing Energy and Environment-friendly Materials, Director of the Tsukuba Research Center for Interdsciplinary Materials Science)
- Prof. M. Aoshima (Chair of the Lab. for Inverse Problems)
- Asso. Prof. K. Hara (Chair of the Lab. for Development of Photon and Particle Detectors)
- Prof. N. Nakai (PI of the Div. of Antarctic Astronomy)
- Asso. Prof. Y. Takeuchi (PI of the Div. of Elementary Particles)
- Asso. Prof. S. Esumi (PI of the Div. of Quark Nuclear Matters)
- Prof. J. Nakamura (PI of the Div. of Materials for Chemical Conversion)
- Prof. Y. Moritomo (PI of the Div. of Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion)
- Prof. M. Ito (Provost of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences)
- Design Office of Integrated Rreseasrch
- Prof. K. Kanaya (Chair, Director)
- Prof. F. Ukegawa (Coordinator of the Research Core for the History of the Universe)
- Prof. T. Nabeshima (Coordinator of the Research Core for Developing Energy and Environment-friendly Materials, Director of the Tsukuba Research Center for Interdsciplinary Materials Science)
- Prof. M. Aoshima (Chair of the Lab. for Inverse Problems)
- Asso. Prof. K. Hara (Chair of the Lab. for Development of Photon and Particle Detectors)